Nat Adventures: Montreal (Part 2)

You know that feeling when something is lacking… that the place you live needs a new spark? Travelling has helped me appreciate what I have around me but there are definitely times when I do compare the places I’ve traveled to to Toronto. Montreal being one of them.

Let’s just start off with the public transportation. For once, I have no idea how the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) got an award for the best public transportation in North America (in 2017). For as long as I can remember, it’s been crap. Yes, we have convenient stations and the ‘Presto’ card is definitely a great addition. But, if you’ve ever been to Montreal, I believe it has a far greater stance in the public transportation sector. When I visited, there was only 1 ‘major’ delay and that was immediately fixed within 7-10 minutes. Most of the delays on the TTC has been more than 10 minutes and I’m not saying that they don’t try to fix the problems but heck, if you’re fixing a signal or a line, there needs to be faster solution. Shuttle buses are great and all but communication is key when dealing with a lot of commuters.

Aside from public transportation, Montreal definitely has quite a selection of food options! I loved exploring the little nooks and crannies of Montreal and the shops that they offer. The Botanical Gardens was a lovely addition to our little trip to Montreal especially the festival of lights. If you go, you definitely have to hit up a poutine joint (specifically La Banquise!) They have so many varieties of poutine and it was great. We went to Beauty’s for brunch and it was just perfect! For my birthday dinner, we went to a nice restaurant called Deville Dinerbar but looking at the menu, they might’ve changed the food options since we last went. Guess we’ll have to check it out again once we decide to go for another visit 😀

Fishbowl drinks are totally worth it at Deville Dinerbar
Fishbowl drinks are totally worth it

It’s definitely hard to list everything considering it’s been a year since we went and I definitely need a refresher. Until next time, I’ll definitely start these posts closer so it’s more detailed ❤

All I have to say is definitely do a little bit of research but just explore Montreal. It’s just worth it.


Nat Adventures: Montreal (Part 1)

Diving back to October 2017, Alex decided that we should go to Montreal for my birthday. [This has been in my drafts for the longest time so please bear with me]

For my birthday this year (2017), Alex decided we should go to Montreal!

Luckily for him, I like to plan things so planning this (small) trip was right up my alley!

First thing was transportation. How were we going to get there? We both didn’t have access to a car (he was planning on getting one but figured it’ll be better to save up to move out first) and renting a car was quite pricey. Taking the Greyhound bus was another option but it felt like it wasn’t worth the commute. In the end, we decided to take the VIA Rail and it was worth every penny! Alex and I were both under 25 at the time, and we were able to get the ‘youth’ ticket price. This option meant that we were able to travel with 2 large items and 1 personal item per person! But because we were only going to Montreal for 4-5 days, we really didn’t need much. We really only did one hand luggage, and a backpack each!

[This is definitely something to look into if you’re planning on travelling across Canada — and decide not to take the airplane/car/ bus]. 

The only thing I do regret was that we weren’t able to get a direct train from Toronto Union Station to Montreal Central Station due to budgeting. We’re both saving up to move out together and I’m also saving up to pay off student debt. (The joys of being a broke graduate). We ended up with a train that had a connecting train in Ottawa which wasn’t TOO bad but when we arrived in Montreal, we had to take a nap before taking on the city. Next time we go to Montreal, we’re hashing out more cash to get that direct train!

On the VIA train to Montreal
On the VIA Train to Montreal

My parents asked us “How are you going to get around without a car?” Well, let’s just say, Montreal’s public transportation system is by far better than TTC! We were able to get the 3-day pass (the first and last day we decided to walk and take the free shuttle bus wherever we had to). For $19 for unlimited travel for three days on the subway and bus, I would say it was definitely worth it! The wait times were indescribable! I’ve always had to wait disgustingly long periods of time just to get from point A to point B when I take the TTC in Toronto but Montreal, you definitely have a superior way of getting your commuters around! Not to mention, I see a LOT of people riding bikes on the streets without getting into arguments with drivers. Job well done Montreal!

Next was accommodation. My birthday is always a few days before Canadian Thanksgiving. This  meant that a lot of places would be pretty pricey due to this holiday. I looked into so many hotels but they were either too pricey or all booked up. Alex suggested Airbnb and because I never tried it, I was a little hesitant. Lo and behold, I made an account and found the perfect place that was a 15 minute walk from the train station within our budget!

What did we do in Montreal? Stay tuned for the next post of Nat Adventures to find out!

Live. Love. Cherish.
